The Gemstone Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is the brown “smoky” variety of Quartz. It ranges in color from light grayish-brown to

deep black. Smoky Quartz can be opaque, but is almost always transparent to translucent, even

when in its darkest color shade. Smoky Quartz is very common and was never an historically

important gemstone. Only in very recent times has it become a popular gemstone.

Smoky Quartz is an affordable gemstone, and it has become popular in jewelry. Since it is very common and often lacking flaws, small Smoky Quartz gemstones are rarely encountered. In fact, gemstones can reach several hundred carats with minimal flaws. The color of Smoky Quartz is thought to be caused by natural irradiation of Quartz. Citrine, the yellow to orange variety of Quartz, sometimes has a brownish tinge, and a stone can thus be borderlined between Citrine and Smoky Quartz.


Smoky Quartz is an important brown gemstone, and is used in various form of jewelry. It is especially used as ring and pendant centerpieces. Lesser quality stones, often with lighter color, are cut as cabochons or tumbled into beads. Large spheres and carvings are also cut from Smoky Quartz.

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